Today is our day off! I woke up early this morning to feed the baby, but I got to go back to sleep after that, so it’s been a great day already! In the mornings and evenings, I have been making the baby formula and mixing up a little plate of baby food and mixed fruits for her. She gets a baby formula made up of 2oz of water, one scoop of Similac, and 20mL of Ensure, and she gets 5mL five times per day. Her plate of fruits consists of banana, apple, and sweet potato, mixed with either banana or apple flavored baby food. She eats really well, and she’s gradually eating more and more of the whole fruit.

At noon, Amanda and I went to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week, and to buy supplies for our river float! We then headed out to meet up with everyone to float the Payette River. The float was awesome! We went over about 4 different rapids, and according to Amanda’s friends, who were also our guides, the rapids were about class 3 to 4 plus. It took about 3 hours to float the strip we were on, and at the end, Marc and I swam to the other side of the river to swing off the rope swing. It was incredibly difficult to swim all the way across with the strong currents and all, but we really enjoyed the workout and the swing was definitely worth it!

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